3 Big Male Turn offs To Avoid In Dating


In our pursuit to find that person that we have so much in common with and just lights that dating fire is what all online daters are hoping for as they search through the dating sites. There are certain types of behavior that can be a complete turnoff to men. Singles everyday by the thousands sign up with these online dating sites in hopes for finding “Mr. Right” What follows are 3 big male turnoff tips to avoid making.

Male Turnoff #1: Demanding personality with My Way or No Way Type of Ultimatums

This is a sure turn off and will lead to dating and relationship failure everytime. A man does not want a woman who gives her man the do it my way or no way at all attitude, this relationship is and will be very ineffective. Singles that are truly searching for their soulmate don't need to give ultimatums. Communicating often and effectively will work for those interested in a long terms relationship.

Male Turnoff #2: Unstable and Constantly Changing Plans

Men say that this is a huge turnoff, a woman that constantly changes or cancels dating plans at the last minute for no real apparent reason, you're giving you're the man the impression that he is not important and you are not serious about dating.

Male Turnoff #3 Playing the Dating Game Unfairly

From your initial conversation with through to your first date and beyond, men will play close attention to whether you always expect him to come pick you up, pay the check to the fancy restaurant of your choice, always calling you first, doing everything for you first. Men will consider this as not playing fairly. Now comes the first argument, and if he believes that you are still not playing fairly then you can kiss this relationship good by! Play the singles dating game like this and you are going to be a lonely and unhappy woman that will not be able to sustain a long term relationship. Dating and relationships are all about the give-and-take philosophy. If you play fairly, men will do much more for you than you ever planned or hoped for. Good luck and hope that you find your “Mr. Right” with your favorite online dating sites.

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